personalized christmas gifts
Total Guarantee...

1.'s Lowest Price Guarantee... If you find a lower catalog price on any product on any of's websites, that you have purchased from us within the last 30 days, or are looking to order from BrandComet, we will gladly match that pricing (excluding any advertised specials, closeouts, or liquidation sales). The lowest price guarantee applies to any items that are the same style/brand, same size/quantity, same material/color, and same decoration/imprint.

2.'s Free Sample Policy... We gladly will provide you with one free sample that's value is less than $5.00 - all you have to do is provide the ten-letter item number and cover the cost of shipping and handling to your location. For samples costing less than $5.00 the shipping and handling fee starts at $8.95 per item which covers removal from inventory, individual packaging, and ground freight (shipping waived if carrier account number is provided). All samples over $5.00 will require payment by credit card prior to sending the sample, and shipping is additional. Requests for samples are normally shipped from stock the same or next day. So now you can try before you buy. Some restrictions may apply on certain items and does reserve the right to limit or deny sample requests. Samples are non-fundable and non-returnable. Each customer is limited to 2 free samples. Additional samples will be charged the cost of the item plus shipping and handling. Samples are currently only available to customers located in the continental United States who can receive regular shipments via UPS Ground. Please call 1-407-622-1993 and a customer service representative will assist you with your sample request.

3.'s Free Paper or Electronic Proof Policy... will fax or email you, for free a proof of the artwork layout, in actual size, for your approval before the final production of your order. Artwork proofs will be sent either via fax or email - please specify which you would prefer when placing order. Artwork proof must be approved, signed and returned to for the order to be processed.

4.'s Free Artwork... will gladly provide one artwork proof after scaling, typesetting text, and minor clean-up of your artwork for free - which at most vendors the cost starts at $40.00. This is for normal orders. The cost for graphic design artwork for Rush Orders starts at $17.50. We will gladly provide a quote for logo creation or artwork graphic design which is not included.

5.'s No Order Processing Fee Policy... Normally, never charges an order processing fee, unlike some of our competitors.

6.'s Free Rush Production Service Policy - on our Quick Ship Items... has 1000's of products available for free rush production service. Contact our customer service department toll-free at 1.866.666.1933 to inquire about specific products.

7.'s Credit Card Guarantee... is committed to the security of our websites. Credit card purchases are often insured by the credit card company, yet also often with a deductible of $50. If confirmed credit card fraud should occur in a transaction with our websites, your $50. deductible is covered by, removing your deductible risk. We assure you is committed to your peace of mind, and that you should feel comfortable each time you visit our sites to request a sample, place an order, or get information.

8.'s Free Gift with your first $500.00 order.

9. Minimum Order Policy... Customizing products is detailed, time consuming, complex, and costly. This involves many of our employees to process, decorate and deliver quality products. So, we apologize for any inconvenience, however, requires on normal orders a minimum order amount of $295. and on rush orders $349. These amounts are for product only. Costs such as set-up's and shipping costs are additional. On blank items we require a $150. Minimum order amount, for products only. We have to have these minimums due to the carrying costs that are require to provide you with the largest online selection of logo products anywhere. We have over 1,000,000 different products and product styles. More Choices = Lower Prices

10. Our Cancellation Policy... We process our orders quickly. If you might need to make a change to your order please contact us immediately. However, this is no guarantee that we will be able to change or cancel your order. It all depends on where we are in the processing of your order. If the items have been decorated then there is no cancellation of the order. When you approve, sign and return the order acknowledgment and the artwork proof has been created and approved, signed, and returned, and the credit card authorization form has been signed and returned, the order starts and production begins. Our cancellation charge is a minimum of $30.00, which is a cancellation fee plus any production charges incurred. These charges are not limited to, art charges, shipping charges, restocking fee (which range from 10% to 25% of the item price, depending on the item), art charges, set-up charges, paper proofs, digitizing (embroidery). It is at the discretion of as to what fees will be billed. To avoid cancellation fees make sure that you are 100% confident that the products are exactly the ones you want. Then you can proceed with your order with confidence.

11. Our Return Policy... We process your order to your specifications. We offer you the opportunity to obtain a sample of the item you are interested in before you order. Plus we also give you the opportunity to approve an artwork proof before the decorating process begins. Once these products are decorated they have no value to us or our other customers, so we will not accept any returns of properly decorated items. Blank items can be returned and are subject to a 15% + restocking fee. Plus any freight costs to return the item. Partial returns will not be accepted. must authorize returns or they will not be accepted. Any decorated items that are returned in violation of our return policy will be discarded by at their option. If you have received a product by mistake or order is in error, contact within 5 working days of the receipt of the items in question. Claims will not be reviewed after this time. Before we can process your claim, a sample of the goods in question must be sent to us. The quality of goods is at the discretion of We have the right to review the items in question up to 10 days from the receipt of the items in question. We will not accept returns after 15 working days. If there is a customer error or unauthorized return which includes rejected shipments, the customer is responsible for the return freight back to

12. Shipping Dates... Normally, will guarantee to ship your merchandise on or before your specific deadline. You should be aware that we cannot be held responsible for delays on the part of the carrier who is delivering your merchandise. On occasion, we may actually ship the item after the intended ship date by a faster shipping method in order to meet the intended receipt date. The additional cost for this will be at our expense. While does guarantee that your goods will arrive by a certain day, we are unable to guarantee an exact time of delivery.

Orders that are guaranteed delivery will include...(Must Have By Month / Day / Year) next to the shipment method. Please note that orders that do NOT contain this notation do NOT qualify for the guaranteed delivery by a certain date.

To ensure that your products arrive before your promotion date is to order early. Please note that It's never too early to order promotional items, gifts and logo apparel, particularly when it occurs at a major holiday time, which can slow down production times and shipping.

13. Knowledgeable BrandComet's Representatives... has knowledgeable and seasoned marketing representives available to help you with all your marketing and advertising needs. You can have confidence in our advice. We have loads of experience especially with some of the most successful advertising campaigns anywhere.

14. What is the Artwork Approval Policy? ... requires that all new orders receive an artwork paper/electronic proof and an order acknowledgment prior to releasing the order to final production. A paper proof will be provided at no cost and is our best representation of what your final print/product will look like. Often the artwork is 100% sized or to scale (as indicated on the artwork) and is only intended to provide an idea as to what the final product will look like when completed. The paper proof and order acknowledgment are checked for misspellings and other mistakes (such as item colors, sizing, imprint color, imprint locations …), but due to order volume, there is inevitably the rare instance that an error might go unnoticed. For this reason, we strongly recommend that you take part in this process by carefully checking your paperwork before signing off and submitting your approval.

15. The Approval Process... is not responsible for any incorrect interpretations of the artwork or order approval. If there are any questions or if something is confusing, please contact us immediately. We try to catch misspellings; there is a chance that we may not know how to spell a unique word in your artwork. The final image that is approved by you is what goes into production, therefore make sure you look at the final artwork a number of times even running it past others in your office if possible before you approve that final artwork, so that you can have maximum confidence the final result will be to your pleasure.

At the time of reviewing your artwork and proofing your order, if you do notice a mistake, please contact us immediately or make a note it on the paperwork accordingly. We will make any corrections or changes promptly and for no additional charge. All changes must be confirmed in writing (e-mail is acceptable).

Orders approved “As is” will be sent to production exactly as stated. No new proof will be sent.. Orders approved “With Changes” will be printed according to the change(s) and no new proof will be sent or required. Orders marked “Additional Proof Required” will receive a new proof, and final production will not begin until an order “Approved as is” or “Approved with Changes” is received. If you need to make a change, your safest option is requiring an additional proof so you can see how changes have been implemented. is not responsible for any typographical errors that are overlooked and later approved by the customer. cannot be held responsible for any damages that may be incurred as a result of the error or mistake after the order has been printed and accepted by the customer. cannot be held responsible for the misprint as a result of an error. Once the customer approves the artwork proof and invoice/order acknowledgment, cannot guarantee our ability to make any changes to the order. Whether correct or with errors, the order is printed exactly as approved by the customer. For this reason, it is very important to carefully look over all the paperwork before replying with your approval. If an error is discovered after final approval has been given by the customer, please contact us immediately. Although we cannot guarantee we will be able to correct it before it goes into production, the sooner we are made aware of the error, the better chance we can do something to fix it.

16. Standard Production... We work hard to make sure availability and correct and current pricing on our products, is updated on our websites, however, it is a good idea to give us a call at 407.622.1993 before placing your order to ensure we have available stock and check on production time and pricing.

17. When does the "Order" go into Production? ... Production does not start until all the following requirements have been met...

a. Payment Must Be Received... Credit Card Authorization Form Must Be Signed and Received requires that all orders submit prepayment by credit card or check before production begins. This requires that the Credit Card Authorization Form is signed and received.

b. Artwork Approval Has Been Signed and Received requires that all artwork be approved before production can begin.

c. An Invoice / Order Acknowledgment Has Been Signed and Received requires that a signed invoice / order acknowledgment containing the customer's signature be submitted before production can begin.

d. Production begins the day after items listed above have been received (confirmation of receipt will be sent via e-mail).

18. How do I submit my artwork?

a. Send Artwork to:

b. Please send us your artwork as an email attachment.

c. Again, send your artwork to or fax a hard copy to: 1.407.622.6611

d. Format Needed for Artwork Attachment - Assuming you have an electronic version of your artwork, (we would prefer an electronic version if possible using Adobe Illustrator version CS - in either EPS or PDF format).

e. Please include any wording you would like to add, and kindly give us an idea of how you would like this layed out.

f. If you know the PMS Colors you would like to use or are using in your artwork please describe in your email.

g. Or, send whatever you have, and our graphic designers will convert anything provided (even including a faxed sketch).

h. If you need any help in sending your artwork please call our Customer Service Department at 1.866.666.1993 for additional assistance.

19. What is the Order Process? If you have questions during any of the steps below, please to contact us by phone at (866) 666.1993 or email us at:

1. Order / Request Quote / Request Info... Complete the information on the, Order, Request Quote or Request Info on the product details page by clicking the “Order” or "Request Quote" or Request Info" icon or contact us by calling toll free at (866) 666.1993. You may also contact us by email at For "Requests Information" or "Request Quote" we will respond by sending you "More Information" or sending you a "Quote".

After we receive your "Request to Quote" - We will send a “Quote” of the items you have selected and with that "Quote" we will attach a “Credit Card Authorization Form” (in Word format) to an email back to you. Please complete, sign, and return fax to 407.622.6611 to proceed with the "Ordering" process. You can also scan the “Credit Card Authorization Form” and complete and sign the form and attach to reply email. You can also find our “Credit Card Authorization Form” at . After we receive a completed and signed “Credit Card Authorization Form” we will send you an “Order Acknowledgement / Invoice”. Please complete, sign, and return fax to 407.622.6611 to start the "Ordering" process. You can also scan the “Order Acknowledgement / Invoice” and complete and sign the forms and attach to reply email.

For "Orders", we will send you a “Credit Card Authorization Form” "after receiving all of your information, we will contact you by phone or email, to confirm and finalize all aspects of your information submitted, including answering any questions you have and confirming your method of payment. Please complete, sign and return fax the “Credit Card Authorization Form” to 407.622.6611 to proceed with the “Ordering” process. We will then send an “Order Acknowledgement / Invoice” to be approved and signed and fax back to us at 407.622.6611. At this same time we will need your “Artwork” to prepare for the “Production Process”. Please send as an attachment to an email to us the “Artwork” you want on the product. Send to We would prefer it in Vector format but any other format you have will do.

Upon receipt of the signed “Credit Card Authorization Form” we will provide an “Order Acknowledgment / Invoice” for your review and approval covering all aspects, costs, and timing of the project, which we need signed and returned to us to proceed with order. The credit card will not be charged until you approve, sign and return the "Order Acknowledgment / Invoice.

A Team Member person will guide you through the following steps.

a. Artwork

b. Email your artwork as a vectored .ai or .eps file and send to If you are unable to do this then just send us your existing artwork files and we will convert them.

c. Payment... Before we can send you your free electronic artwork proof; requires customers to provide payment. This is done by completing of our credit card authorization form. Please note your credit card will not be charged until you have signed and returned the credit card authorization form, signed and returned the Invoice / Order Acknowledgement and approved and signed Artwork Approval Form.

d. Review and Approved Order Acknowledgment and Artwork... Please note your credit card will not be charged until you have signed and returned the credit card authorization form, signed and returned the Invoice / Order Acknowledgement and an approved and signed Artwork Approval Form. Your Order will not proceed without all of the above steps being completed.

e. Ship Order... Your order will be shipped once production has been completed.

20. Shipping & Handling... Because of the constant fluctuation in gas costs and delivery costs and availability only gives estimated shipping and handling costs. Shipping estimates are provided upon request. This is only an estimated or rather a best guess for shipping and handling costs. reserves the right to change the packaging at anytime without prior notice. Freight estimates are only estimates and can change at any time without notice. Shipping costs and handling are additional costs and are not included in the price of the item.

21. Using a UPS or FEDEX account number... Please use your UPS or FEDEX shipping account number for all freight charges. Especially you might receive a better rate on shipping through your company account.

If you are using a FEDEX Ground Service account number that is different than a FEDEX Air Shipping account number.

If you do not use a shipping account number then the shipping and handling will be included in the Invoice / Order Acknowledgment.

22. What does the pricing online include? Almost all items, the online pricing includes 1 color, 1 location imprint.

Check to make sure in categories such as company apparel the online pricing includes the cost of decoration like embroidery or screen printing. In some cases it is not included in the price of the garment.

23. What are any other charges I should be aware of?

•  Rush Service Charges

•  Special Packaging

•  Additional Printing Locations

•  Additional Colors

•  Pantone Color Matches

•  Order Cancellations

•  Changes Made After Authorizations and Approvals

•  Split Shipments

These are some of the charges that may apply… but they are not limited to these charges.

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Grand Cypress Group, Inc. All other product or brand names are trademarks of their respective owners.